Skin Brushing
Daily dry skin brushing can help keep your skin health vibrant and efficient. Dry brushing can:
- Stimulate the hormone and oil-producing glands in the skin
- Help improve circulation (thereby aiding the entire body)
- Have an important influence on the nervous system through stimulation of nerve endings
- Assist the body in removal of toxins
- Help improve health and restore vitality
- Help keep skin soft, supple, and youthful
- Help improve muscle tone
- Remove dead skin cells
- Cleanse the pores
- Use only a natural dry-brush (available at health food stores)
- Ideally, brush every day before bed. A less preferred time would be before you shower.
- Using short strokes or a circular figure eight motion, brushing very lightly over the entire outer service or your body. Start from your feet and move progressively towards the heart.
- Be sure to include your palms and soles.
- Cleanse the brush every few days with soap and warm water.
Why Skin Brush
Your skin, aside from being one of your organs of detoxification, also has the 2nd largest surface area in your body. Oftentimes, it appears to be the first to show degeneration or imbalances, and will be the last to heal. Its functions include:
- Works as a protective barrier to the body structure
- Helps to regulate body temperature
- Works as a respiratory organ
- Performs absorption activities by assimilating oxygen and other nutrients
- Aids in elimination of toxic wastes from the body
As our skin is an important, vital, breathing organ, you should always be careful of what you put on your skin. Although the skin offers us the first protective “coat”, most substances are absorbed to some extent through your skin into your lymphatic and cardiovascular system. If the substance happens to be a chemical, toxin, or a poison, your liver and kidneys will have the job of trying to neutralize any adverse effects. Obviously, any prolonged, daily or chronic exposure to such substances can be very damaging to your health. If your job includes such exposures, you would be well advised to take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent the absorption of such toxins through your skin and lungs.
The skin is the so-called third kidney. It works in conjunction with the kidneys in water regulation. Interestingly enough, perspiration and urine are chemically very similar. Both contain substantial amounts of uric acid and are vitally important in the waste production of metabolism.
A primary function of the skin occurs through the activities of the pores. Every square inch of the skin contains hundreds of these pores; all of which are made up of tiny muscles that must be exercised to rid toxins from the body.
Each of the organs of detoxification-G.I. Tract-colon, lungs, kidneys, skin, liver- must do its part. A weakness exhibited by one-organ forces the other organs to carry an increased workload. This can result in exhaustion and further inhibition of the body’s natural ability to rid itself of harmful toxic waste.
The Castor Oil Pack
Materials needed:
Castor Oil (available in my office)
Heating Pad
Saran Wrap
Cotton Flannel (in office)
- Fold flannel about 2-3inches thick, to fit over the area you will be packing.
- Drizzle approximately 1/8 cup of castor oil to the flannel (fold the flannel in half to add the oil). Unfold and apply to area you are packing. The pack should not be dripping with oil. As an example it should have enough oil to make a slight oil mark on furniture as if you were going to polish it.
- As castor oil tends to stain, lay an old towel on the surface you will be lying on to prevent staining.
- Ideally, lie on your back with your feet elevated, placing the flannel over area you are packing. Cover with saran wrap and then a towel and place heating pad on top. (For those sensitive to or concerned with electromagnetics, we recommend tying 2 EMF Diffuser Tags (about 2 inches apart) near the plug end of the cord of the heating pad to disperse the toxic electromagnetic field of AC current (60 cycles/second).
- Leave pack on for 45-60 minutes. This is an excellent time to pray, meditate, and do deep breathing exercises.
- After finishing, discard flannel. Remove oil from the body in the shower or with 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water.
- For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to apply the pack as often as possible. Try for at least 4 consecutive days per week for 4-6 weeks.
For Sensitive People
If you are a sensitive person, you may want to use the packs on alternating days for the first week or so and for smaller amounts of time (such as 15 to 30 minutes only per session). Later, the packs may be used more frequently and/or for longer periods of time (for 1 to 1½ hours per session).
Cleansing Reactions
The use of castor oil packs is typically gentle, without side effects. Cleansing reactions, such as a rash, are rare. If they occur, it may be necessary to temporarily stop or decrease the frequency or length of time using the packs.
Castor Oil Pack History
The castor bean (oleium ricini) known to many as the “Palma Christi” or “hand of Christ” for its healing properties is an ancient remedy used to treat many symptoms. The oil is absorbed into the lymphatic circulation to provide a soothing, cleansing and nutritive treatment that stimulates immune function via lymphatic simulation and tonifies internal organs. Castor oil has been used to assist the healing of the body from ancient times throughout the world. It was used therapeutically in ancient India, China, Persia, Egypt, Africa, Greece, Rome, the Americas and in 17th Century Europe. It is known to be effective for many diverse types of pain, liver and gallbladder stimulation, cleansing/detox, digestive problems, lacerations, skin disorders such as eczema or Psoriasis, menopause symptoms, to boost the immune system, as an emollient and skin softener and much more. The multiple layers of flannel saturated with castor oil are theorized to induce a high frequency resonant effect, which allows the castor oil to deeply penetrate cells, helping to trigger a release of internal waste products. This resonant effect can penetrate even into the “no man’s land” between the GAG’s (glycosaminoglycans) and the lymphatic system where waste products may otherwise remain for a lifetime.
Hot/Cold Compress
This valuable hydrotherapy treatment can be applied to any area of the body. The description below if for acute sinusitis and is an essential component to a successful treatment plan. Apply the method below to the area needs such as eye, ear, sinuses etc.
2 Facecloths
Hot water
Cold water
- Soak one face cloth in hot water, or place under sink water that is very hot to the touch
- Wring it out so that it is not dripping
- Place the cloth over the area you are treating (eye or ear or sinus) and leave on for 3 minutes
- Have the 2nd face cloth soaking in cold water with ice
- Wring it out and place over the same area for 30 seconds
Repeat this procedure 2 more times, three times in all. Hot 3 MINUTES, cold 30 SECONDS.
For severe and acute problems, use three times daily. For less severe and/or for maintenance purposes, do once per day.
Neti-pot (available at health food grocers)
Celtic salt (should come with the pot)
- Fill the neti pot with water. The water should be lukewarm (not too hot, not too cold) and can be poured into the pot directly from the tap (approximately 1/2 cup of water). Distilled water is recommended if the purity/safety of the tap water in your region is questionable.
- Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt or table salt (without added iodine) to the water. Stir with spoon to dissolve thoroughly.
- Lean your head forward over the basin, bending your neck down slightly with your eyes looking downwards.
- Gently place the spout of the Neti pot inside your right nostril, forming a seal to avoid any outer leakage.
- Open your mouth slightly. Breathe continuously through your open mouth during this sinus cleansing procedure. This allows a necessary air passageway so that the water will not drain from behind your nose into your mouth.
- Tilt your head sideways, so that your right nostril is directly above your left nostril. Tip the Neti pot, allowing the water solution to pour into your right nostril. Within a few seconds the water will naturally drain from your left nostril into the sink.
- After the Neti pot is empty, remove the spout from your right nostril, and exhale through both nostrils. Gently blow your nose into a tissue.
- Repeat steps 1 through 7 for your left nostril.
- Thoroughly clean your Neti pot after each use. Periodically place it in your dishwasher for a thorough sanitizing.Same as a toothbrush, do not share your Neti pot with anyone else.
- Try using only half the amount of recommended salt the first few times you use your neti pot until you become more accustomed to the process.
- Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the inside of both nostrils before the treatment helps sooth sensitive skin.
- You may notice improved breathing, smell and taste.
- If you experience any discomfort please discontinue using your Neti pot and consult your doctor or other health care provider.
Epsom Salt Bath
Add two cups of Epsom salt to a very warm bath. Soak for 20-30 minutes. You should start to perspire a bit.
Epsom salt, named for a bitter saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England, is not actually salt but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Long known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, Epsom salt has numerous health benefits. It also is beneficial for beauty, household, and gardening-related uses.
Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the amazing health benefits. Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including regulating the activity of over 325 enzymes, reducing inflammation, helping muscle and nerve function, and helping to prevent artery hardening. Sulfates help improve the absorption of nutrients, flush toxins, and help ease migraine headaches.
The wonders of Epsom salt have been well known for hundreds of years. Unlike other salts, Epsom salt has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind, and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating cold and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.
The sulfates in Epsom salt help flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, as well as ease muscle pain and help the body to eliminate harmful substances. Your skin is a highly porous membrane. By adding the right minerals to your bathwater triggers a process called reverse osmosis. This process pulls salt and harmful toxins out of the body allowing the magnesium and sulfate into the body.
C0ffee Enema
Please use your coffee time as a peaceful time to read, meditate, and/or pray. The procedure can take up to an hour. Do not do coffee enemas after 11:00 a.m. as they can have a stimulatory effect. Drink coconut water on the day of your enema. If you cannot drink coconut water drink 6 glasses of water with a pinch of Celtic sea salt added to each glass to stay hydrated.
Materials Needed
- An enema bucket
- A large stainless steel cooking pot
- Ground organic unroasted caffeinated coffee. You will use 2 flat TBLS for recipe
- Uncontaminated water, i.e. filtered. You will use 4 cups for recipe
- Towels, and plastic bag to place under towel on floor (the coffee will stain all materials it comes in contact with)
- Lubricant such as olive oil or coconut oil
- Extra hand towels
Prepare Coffee
Put 4 full cups of clean water in a pan and bring to a boil. Add 2 flat Tablespoons of coffee. Let it continue to boil for five minutes. Then turn off the stove, leaving the pan on the hot burner. Allow the water to cool to a tepid or room temperatures. Test with your finder. It should be the same temp as a baby’s bottle. It is safer to have it too cold then too warm. Never use it hot or steaming. Once cooled, strain the coffee. You must use a very fine strainer. Making sure the enema clamp is closed, place the strained coffee into your enema bucket.
Enema procedure
Carry your bucket and lay an old towel on the floor. If you don’t have an old towel, you soon will as the coffee will stain the towels you use. Use another bunch of towels as a pillow if you choose. Bring a book, magazine, or devotional into the coffee time. Use this time to relax.
Loosen the clamp on the enema bucket to allow the coffee to run out to the end of the catheter tip, Re-clamp the tube when all of the air has been removed from the enema tubing.
Place the bucket at least two feet off of the floor. Placing too high can cause coffee to enter into rectum too quickly. The bucket can rest on a ledge or something you bring into the bathroom with you.
Lubricate the tube as well as your rectum.
Lie down on the floor on your back, right side or on all fours.
Gently insert the tube into the rectum a few inches. Then release the clamp and let the first 2 cups (2 cups maximum, 1 cup minimum). Clamp the tubing to stop the flow and then lie on your right side.
Try to retain the enema for a minimum of 12 minutes. Sometimes there will be an immediate urgency to get rid of it and that is fine. Simply sit on the toilet and go. Keep in mind; you will not be able to hold the enema in if you have feces in your bowels. You will have to get all of the feces out before you can hold the enema for 12 minutes. You can do warm water enemas if needed before you start the coffee.
Never force yourself to retain if you cannot. Again, if you cannot hold, you need to empty your bowels. It can take several tries. You may want to prepare more coffee the first few times you try the enemas so you can have enough made to retain for the 12 minutes.
After the first 12-minute enema, repeat the procedure with the remaining coffee and hold for 12 minutes.
The goal is to have two enemas, not exceeding 2 cups each, that you hold 12-15 minutes. Do not hold longer than 15 minutes as it is counterproductive.
Clean out bucket with hot water, soap and hydrogen peroxide. Hang tubing in a dry place. Make sure you rinse both bucket and tube with hot water and soap BEFORE each use.
History of Coffee Enema
An enema is “a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food.” The word itself comes from the Greek word “en-hienai” meaning “to send or inject into.” The enema has been called, “one of the oldest medical procedures still used today.” Tribal women in Africa, and elsewhere, routinely use it on their children. The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, from 1500 B.C., mentions it. Millennia before, the Pharaoh had a “guardian of the anus,” a special doctor, one of whose purposes was to administer the royal enema. The Greeks wrote of the fabled cleanliness of the Egyptians, which included the internal cleansing of their systems through emetics and enemas. They employed these on 3 consecutive days a month said Herodotus (II.77) or at intervals of 3 or 4 days, according to a later historian Diodorus. The Egyptians explained to their visitors that they did this because they “believed that diseases were engendered by superfluities of the food,” a modern-sounding theory! Enemas were known in ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, India, Greece, and China. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre-Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into the first rubber enema bags and tubes. In fact, there is hardly a region of the world where people did not discover or adapt the enema. It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare and Gulliver Travels to Peyton Place.
In pre-revolutionary France, a daily enema after dinner was de rigueur. It was not only considered indispensable for health but also practiced for good complexion as well. Louis XIV is said to have taken over 2,000 in his lifetime. Could this have been the source of the Sun King’s sunny disposition? For centuries, enemas were a routine home remedy. In recent times, the routine use of enemas has died out. The main times that doctors employ them nowadays are before and after surgery and childbirth. Difficult and potentially dangerous barium enemas before colonic X-rays are of course still a favorite among allopathic doctors.
The coffee bean has an interesting history. It was imported to Arabia in the early 1500’s by the Sufi religious mystics. The mystics used it to fight drowsiness while praying. It was especially prized for its medicinal qualities, in both the Near East and Europe. No one knows when the first daring soul filled an enema bag with a quart of java. What is known is that the coffee enema appeared at least as early as 1917 and was found in the prestigious Merck Manual until 1972. In the 1920’s, German scientists found that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. Dr. Max Gerson used this clinically as part of a general detoxification regimen, first for tuberculosis, then cancer. Caffeine, he postulated, will travel up the hemorrhoidal to the portal vein and then to the liver. Gerson noted some remarkable effects of this procedure. For instance, patients did not need their usually prescribed painkillers once they began using enemas. Many people have noted the paradoxical calming effect of coffee enemas. While coffee enemas too can relieve constipation, Gerson cautioned, “Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver.” Coffee enemas were an established part of medical practice when Dr. Max Gerson introduced them into cancer therapy in the 1930s. Basing himself on German laboratory work, Gerson believed that caffeine could stimulate the liver and gall bladder to discharge bile. He felt this process could contribute to the health of the cancer patient.
Although the coffee enema has been heaped with scorn, some independent scientific work gives credence to the value of the coffee enema. In 1981, for example, Dr. Lee Wattenberg and his colleagues showed that two substances found in coffee, kahweol and cafestol palimate, actually boost the activity of a key enzyme system, glutathione Stransferase. This system detoxifies a vast array of electrophiles from the bloodstream and according to Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, “it (this enzyme system) must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification.” This enzyme group is responsible for neutralizing free radicals and harmful chemicals now commonly implicated in the initiation of cancer. In mice, for example, these systems are enhanced 600% in the liver and 700% in the bowel when coffee beans are added to the mice’s diet. Dr. Peter Lechner, investigating the Gerson method at the Ladneskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, reported that, “coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope.” F.W. Cope (1977) has postulated the existence of what he calls, “tissue damage syndrome.” Tissue damage syndrome is essentially when cells are challenged by a poison, oxygen deprivation, malnutrition or a physical trauma they lose potassium, take on sodium and chloride, and swell up with excess water.
Another scientist (Ling) suggested that water in a normal cell is contained in a crystalline structure. Being alive requires not just the right chemicals, but also the right chemical structure. Cells normally have a preference for potassium over sodium, but when a cell is damaged it begins to prefer sodium. This craving results in cells inability to repair themselves and utilize energy. When cells are damaged toxins are produced. Research shows that the area surrounding tumors (atypical cells) are zones of “wounded” non-malignant tissue that is swollen with salt and water. Gerson believed it axiomatic that cancer could not exist in normal metabolism. He pointed to the fact that scientists often had to damage an animal’s thyroid and adrenals just to get a transplanted tumor to “take.” He directed his efforts toward creating normal metabolism in the tissue surrounding a tumor. It is the liver and small bowel that neutralizes the most common tissue toxins: polyamines, ammonia, toxic-bound nitrogen and electrophiles. These detoxification systems are enhanced by the coffee enema. Physiological chemistry and physics have stated, “caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts. This facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products across the colonic wall.”
n addition, theophylline and theobromine, two other chemicals in coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut. The palimates enhance the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the serum; and the fluid of the enema then stimulates the visceral nervous system to promote peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum and out of the rectum. Since the enema is generally held for 15 minutes, and all the blood passes through the liver, the palimates enhance the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the 3-serum. The fluid of the enema then stimulates the visceral nervous system to promote peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum and out of the rectum. Furthermore, since all the blood passes through the liver every three minutes, “these enemas represent a form of dialysis of the blood across the gut wall.” The research by Sherry Rodgers, MD author of Detox or Die, suggests that there is no stimulatory effect of the adrenals from a coffee enema. The personal experience of Gabriel Cousens, MD supports her findings.
Basal Body Temperature
How to Measure the Basal Body Temperature
- Shake down a basal thermometer (no digital) the night before the test and place it at your bedside.
- Upon awakening, place the thermometer snugly in your armpit for a period of 10 minutes and record your temperature for 5 days in a row. You must not get out of bed before checking your temperature or you will get an altered reading.
- For women who are menstruating, the temperature should be taken starting on the second day of menstruation. This is the best time in a woman’s menstrual cycle to get an accurate basal temperature. For men and postmenopausal women, it makes no difference when the temperatures are taken.
- Please record your temperature for four days in a row and email those results to Sharon once complete.
- Your temperature should be in the range of 97.8-98.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
Oil pulling is a age old Ayurveda process. It works on the ROOT CAUSE and helps the body in its healing process.
The Method Oil-pulling therapy should ideally be practiced early morning, on an empty stomach. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish/rinse it gently in your mouth for 20 minutes. Ensure that the oil reaches all corners of the mouth. Do not vigorously gargle. As you continue swishing, the oil will change from being clear and thick, to think and white in color. Swishing activates enzymes that help draw out the toxins in your body. Don’t swallow the oil as it contains toxins. You need to commit to daily oil pulling for a minimum of 30 days.
Note: You have to swish for 20 minutes exactly otherwise the process is ineffective. Rinse mouth thoroughly and brush teeth immediately afterwards.